Emerging Health Professionals

  • Attention Current Juniors Interested in a Health Care Career:

    Emerging Health Professionals is a competitive ½ day program available to rising seniors interested in a medical profession.  It is designed to give students a head start on college and expose them to a variety of health care careers through job shadows, hands-on training, and clinical study at facilities across the region.  Students accepted into the program will take an anatomy & physiology course in both the fall and spring semesters at either Lehigh Carbon Community College or at Penn State University, Lehigh Valley campus.  Students are responsible for the cost of tuition, which for the 2023-24 school year was approximately $740 at LCCC (includes textbook) and approximately $2500 at PSU (plus cost of textbook). 

    Minimum requirements for acceptance into the program include a 3.0 GPA and final grade of a “B” in both Biology and Chemistry.  

    Interested students can access further information, videos, and the EHP application at https://www.lcti.org/ehp/.  The application deadline is January 24, 2025.

    In addition to completing the application, it is important for students to:

    The SLHS Counseling Department will compile your transcript, PSAT/SAT or ACT scores if available, attendance & discipline records, Letter of Reference Form, and EHP Signature Form for submission to LCTI. 

    Please feel free to reach out to your school counselor if you have any questions.

    SLHS Counseling Department