Junior Parent Meetings

  • Each spring, school counselors meet with all juniors to review graduation requirements, senior course requests, and discuss future goals.  In an effort to collaborate with families who have questions about postsecondary planning, we are inviting you to attend your student's meeting in person or virtually.  Please note that your attendance in the meeting is entirely optional; we meet with all juniors regardless

    Junior meetings are 30 minutes in length and will be held March 19 - April 18 between 7:30am and 2:30pm.  To schedule an appointment with your child’s school counselor, please click on the link next to the counselor and indicate if you would like to attend in person or virtually.  

    Additionally, there are numerous videos and resources on the SLHS School Counseling website with information regarding college planning. 

    Please know that we are here to support your student(s) and we look forward to being part of this very important milestone.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Davis in the guidance office at davism@slsd.org or phone (610-282-1421 ext. 7552).