My Links
Grade Level Currriculum Link
Third Grade Textbooks
Math and Science
Your login is student number sl (Ex. 11111sl). Your password is 12345sl. Check here to view the entire book and review our daily lessons. Please note that it is advised that you use Mozilla Firefox as your web browser and make sure your Flash is up to date to relieve any problems from occurring. Both of these are free downloads.
Think Central: Journey's Common Core
This is the site for Journey's Common Core Reading Materials, by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This is the link students and parents can use to access material for our reading materials. In order to log in, students must use: Username: their student ID number (Ex. 111111) Password: 12345sl -
Kid Biz is a program which builds reading comprehension and vocabulary. Students also work on using their reading strategies while they are completing the activities. Students should be earning 75% or higher on each activity they complete. Kid Bizz can be worked on at school & at home. Have fun!