Please plan to schedule vacations around scheduled school holidays. We value excellent attendance! State regulations define excused Absences and Tardies as follows: Illness, Death of relative, Serious emergency, or Educational Trip.
Children arriving after 9 AM are considered tardy and must be signed into school by an adult.
Educational trips may be excused if approved by the Principal two weeks in advance and the student is in good academic standing. Educational Trip forms are available in the office or online.
Please send an excuse for absence note upon your child's return to school.
***Please note after 10 absences a physician’s excuse may be required for each future absence. According to the PA School Code, “A maximum of ten days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten cumulative days should require an excuse from a physician.” Absences in excess of ten days (educational trips included) that are not accompanied by a physician’s note shall be deemed unexcused. The accumulation of three unexcused absences will consititute a violation of the compulsory School attendance law.