Posted by:AM Kindergarten – 9:00AM – 11:36AM
PM Kindergarten – 12:54PM – 3:30PM
Grades 1-3 – 9:00AM – 3:30PM
Posted by:Between 8:45 – 9:00 AM. Staff will be on duty to assist students as they exit from cars. Please use the parent drop off lane NOT the school bus lane.
We need to ask parents to stay in their cars! It can create a dangerous situation to have extra people out of their cars and walking alongside the cars. There are staff members around that will help your students! Thank you for your consideration in keeping everyone safe.
Afternoon kindergarten children should arrive no earlier than 12:50 p.m.
Posted by:If your child is absent for any reason, please call the office and press 1 to report your child absent. If your child will be absent for more than one school day, please arrange for missed classwork by emailing your child’s teacher and making arrangements to pick up missed assignments.
Posted by:We ask that you put your child’s homeroom number on their bus card and have them wear their card or bring the card with them to school through September.
Posted by:Emergency Contact Data Forms were mailed home to all families. Please review the information, update changes in the Parent Sapphire Portal or return the form with changes to school with your child. Please provide the names and numbers of individuals who can be responsible for your child in case of illness, injury or other urgent situations should we be unable to reach you. We must be informed whenever your phone number or emergency contacts change. These contacts are only used when we are unable to reach you directly.
Posted by:Please plan to schedule vacations around scheduled school holidays. We value excellent attendance! State regulations define excused Absences and Tardies as follows: Illness, Death of relative, Serious emergency, or Educational Trip.
Children arriving after 9 AM are considered tardy and must be signed into school by an adult.
Educational trips may be excused if approved by the Principal two weeks in advance and the student is in good academic standing. Educational Trip forms are available in the office or online.
***Please note that after 10 absences a physician’s excuse may be required for each future absence. According to the PA School Code, “A maximum of ten days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten cumulative days should require an excuse from a physician.” Absences in excess of ten days (educational trips included) that are not accompanied by a physician’s note shall be deemed unexcused. The accumulation of three unexcused absences will constitute a violation of the compulsory school attendance law.
Posted by:School nurses and health paraprofessionals may not dispense medication without written permission from parents and a prescription from the child's physician. If your child needs to take any medication, a self-explanatory form: SL-5142-77 must be completed. A copy of this form can be obtained from the Health room or can be obtained on the slsd.org website. All medical information or specific medical questions should be directed to the school nurse.
Posted by:All children are expected to take physical education and participate in a daily recess. If your child has been ill and your physician requests your child not go outside, a physician’s excuse is required if the request goes beyond one school day.
Posted by:The district website (slsd.org) contains the most up-to date calendar of all district wide activities.
Please check the calendar for information such as school closings, special programs and district events. Dates, times and places of activities are also noted on the calendar.
Posted by:We operate on a five-day cycle identified by DAYS A,B,C,D, and E. Our office sends home a monthly calendar to identify each day. However, if school is cancelled on a DAY A, the day we return to school will be adjusted and become DAY A so we have no loss of instruction and will follow DAY A’s schedule.
Posted by:Good communication is vital to your child’s success in school. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher should always be your first contact. Email addresses are: last name first initial@slsd.org (no spaces). School related papers are sent home daily in homework folders – please check them daily for homework and school related information.
Posted by:Please see the cafeteria newsletter that comes home with your child on the first day of school. Log onto EZSchoolPay.com for fast, easy payment. All children will receive a PIN number (student ID#) to be used for all transactions. Children will use these funds to purchase their school lunches and any snacks. If you do not want your child to purchase snacks with these funds, you must let the cafeteria know in writing in advance and they will put a note on your child’s account. (If not using EZPAY.com please make checks payable to Southern Lehigh Cafeteria.)
Daily Lunch $ 3.00
A la carte milk $ .55
Reduced lunch $ .40
Parents may apply for Free or Reduced lunches at any time if your financial situation changes. New applications must be completed annually for this program.
If a child forgets or loses lunch money, your child may borrow from the cafeteria with the understanding this money must be paid back on the next school day. Please send all checks or lunch money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, grade and teacher noted on the outside of the envelope payable to “Southern Lehigh Cafeteria”.
Posted by:Pride of Liberty Bell is our school-wide positive behavior program designed to encourage respect and community building among our student population.
Our Liberty Bell Elementary School Pledge
I am a Liberty Bell L.I.O.N.
Listen to and follow adult directions.
Inside voices and manners are used.
Objects, hands and feet are kept to myself.
Nice words and actions are used to show respect.
I am on the road to Success!
Posted by:For Dismissal, please remember to update PICK UP PATROL. We will NOT take the word of the student for how they are leaving. If you are unsure of how to use pick up patrol, please reach out to the office.
We discourage calling the office to request last minute parent pick-up and ask you to please plan in advance. The end of the day is hectic and calling the classroom is disruptive to the teaching and learning process. For the safety of our students, please understand we prohibit adults from pulling students from our bus lines.
We open our doors for parent pick-up at 3:20 daily and ask that you report directly to the cafeteria. Please do not stand in the lobby or block any doorways. Students on the parent pick-up list are dismissed to the cafeteria at 3:25PM. Parents and children are asked to exit out the door of the cafeteria in a timely manner. Buses will be called promptly at 3:30PM. For student safety, we attempt to keep our car traffic and bus traffic separate.
Posted by:Angela Perich, aperich23@gmail.comLauren Witmer, laurenfenstermaker@gmail.comShannon Rager, shannon rager@gmail.comJanessa Lanning O'Donnell, lanningodonnell@gmail.comPTA Meetings:Sept. 12, 2024Oct. 10, 2024Nov. 14, 2024Dec. 12, 2024Jan. 16, 2025 (moved back a week due to holiday break)Feb. 13, 2025March 13, 2025April 10, 2025May 8, 2025June - no meeting -
Posted by:NEW LAWS have been passed that require the following clearances if you wish to volunteer or assist in any capacity during the school day.
The clearances required every 5 years are:
- FBI Fingerprint
- PA State Police Criminal History
- PA Dept. of Welfare Child Abuse
- Arrest/ Conviction Report ACT 24of 2011(form PDE-6004)
Directions to obtain these clearances may be found on the SLSD.org website. No parent will be able to volunteer, assist in our classrooms or chaperone field trips without these clearances. Once the district receives the appropriate paperwork, it will take several days to verify the information and place your name on the district wide approved volunteer list. We suggest obtaining these clearances as soon as you can if you plan on volunteering at any time during the school year.
Posted by:Between 8:45 – 9:00 AM. Staff will be on duty to assist students as they exit from cars.
Please use the parent drop off lane NOT the school bus lane.
Afternoon kindergarten children should arrive no earlier than 12:50 p.m.
Posted by:AM Kindergarten – 9:00AM – 11:36AM
PM Kindergarten – 12:54PM – 3:30PM
Grades 1-3 – 9:00AM – 3:30PM
Posted by:960 West Oxford Street
Coopersburg, PA 18036
610-282-1850 Phone 610.984.1644 Fax