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Please see the cafeteria newsletter that comes home with your child on the first day of school. Log onto for fast, easy payment. All children will receive a PIN number (student ID#) to be used for all transactions. Children will use these funds to purchase their school lunches and any snacks. If you do not want your child to purchase snacks with these funds, you must let the cafeteria know in writing in advance and they will put a note on your child’s account. (If not using please make checks payable to Southern Lehigh Cafeteria.)

Daily Lunch $ 3.00

A la carte milk $  .55

Reduced lunch $ .40


Parents may apply for Free or Reduced lunches at any time if your financial situation changes. New applications must be completed annually for this program.


If a child forgets or loses lunch money, your child may borrow from the cafeteria with the understanding this money must be paid back on the next school day. Please send all checks or lunch money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, grade and teacher noted on the outside of the envelope payable to “Southern Lehigh Cafeteria”.
