9:10 Morning Meeting- morning chat, calendar, counting the days of school
9:15 Treasures and/or Spelling
Monday- introduce vocabulary words for the week, post weekly spelling words, read short Treasures story
Tuesday- Teacher reads and discusses Treasures main story, characters, setting, etc.
Wednesday- Kids read aloud main Treasures story (volunteers only)
Thursday- Spelling test, Treasures companion story
Friday- Receive new spelling words. Go over patterns in words.
Fun Friday Buddy Reading!
9:40 Guided Reading & Work Stations- Mrs.
Moffe comes in to our room to teach two groups while I teach two
groups. Intervention groups are pulled out at this time. Children not
working with an adult will work independently at Work Stations.
10:20 Fast Math- students work on their basic facts at their own pace on a web-based program called Fast Math. Fast Math keeps track of the number facts your child has mastered. I will send reports home occasionally, so you can see their progress.
10:40 DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) for majority of class
Intervention students will do Guided Reading with me or complete a work station.*During
DEAR time, everyone gets called for a bathroom/drink break.
1:00 Writing- I start with a direct lesson, then I may include all or some of the components below:
shared writing- as a whole group, we compose a story
independent writing
guided writing for those who may be "stuck"
sharing time
*Soap and warm water hand washing takes place EVERY DAY before lunch.
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Recess- We go outside unless the weather is wet or extremely cold!
12:45 PM break for bathroom and drinks, fill out homework charts
1:00 Specialists A-Art B-Music C- Tech Smarts D- Library E- Gym
1:50 Science or Social Studies- There
are so many neat science units in 2nd grade. We'll start with the "What is Science?" unit in Science and Communities in Social Studies. We'll read,
discuss, look at models, maps and charts, look at on-line resources
together, etc. It's fun! I will usually send a study guide home before any test, so parents can go over the information with their children.
2:20 Math- Math lessons are with the whole group, to start. Then
there is independent practice time. After students complete their work, they will go to math
centers to do valuable math activities. During this time I may pull a
small group aside or work with someone one-on-one.
*Most homework during the week will be a math page reviewing the topic of the day.
3:20 Pack up- Whew!
It's always a very busy day!