Board Policies > 200 Pupils
- 200 Enrollment of Students
- 200.1 Admission of Students to Spanish Immersion Program
- 200.3 Foreign Exchange Students
- 202 Eligibility of Nonresident Students
- 203 Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
- 204 Attendance
- 205 Postgraduate Students
- 206 Assignment Within District
- 207 Confidential Communications of Students
- 208 Withdrawal from School
- 209 Physical Examinations
- 209.1 Food Allergy Management
- 209.2 Accidents and Sudden Illnesses
- 210 Use of Medications
- 211 Student Accident Insurance
- 212 Reporting Student Progress
- 214.1 Infectious Disease
- 215 Promotion & Retention
- 216 Education Records
- 217 Graduation
- 218 Student Discipline
- 218.1 Possession of Weapons
- 218.2 Terroristic Threats
- 218.4 Interviews with Students
- 218.5 Students Convicted or Adjudicated of Sexual Assault
- 220 Student Expression - Distribution and Posting of Materials
- 221 Dress and Grooming
- 222 Tobacco and Vaping Products
- 223 Operation of Motor Vehicles by Students
- 224 Care of School Property
- 226 Searches
- 227 Controlled Substances
- 227.1 Search of Student Lockers and Vehicles in Student Parking Lots and Use of Animals to Search
- 229 Student Fundraising
- 233 Suspension and Expulsion
- 234 Pregnant Students
- 235 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 235.1 Student Rights and Surveys by Outside Organizations
- 236 Student Assistance Program
- 236.1 Threat Assessment
- 237 Electronic Devices
- 240 Student Academic Contests/Competitions
- 246 Student Wellness
- 247 Hazing
- 248 Unlawful Harrassment
- 249 Bullying/Cyberbullying
- 250 Student Recruitment
- Admission of Students to Spanish Immersion Program
- 251 Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care and Other Educational Instability