Playgroup Rules & Winter Recess

  • Playground Rules:
    Please be safe and take a moment to view our PPT presentation about Playground Rules.

    Winter Recess:
    Make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess.

    Please know that our elementary/intermediate schools follow the same guidelines relative to winter recess decisions. These guidelines come directly from research conducted by the district's wellness committee in consultation with the district physician.  A "real feel" temperature value is used when making decisions for outdoor vs. indoor recess.

    “Real Feel” Guidelines in Degrees Fahrenheit

    15 and above = Full recess (K-3 buildings 30 minutes, 4-6 building 20 minutes)

    10 to 14  = 15 minute recess

    9 and below = Possible 5 minute brisk walk (teacher discretion).

    Other local site factors that may be taken into consideration when determining the appropriateness for outdoor recess include wind gusts in the play-yard area, sun, and current blacktop / play yard conditions.

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