Waiver of LIEP Services

  • Once a student has been identified as an English Learner (EL), parent(s)/guardian(s) have the right to refuse English Language Development (ELD) instruction and services provided through the District's LIEP. A "waiver" indicates a desire by the parent/guardian to waive the child from participation in all or some of ELD instruction and/or LIEP services.

    If a child is an EL and has been opted out of all or some of ELD instruction and/or LIEP services, the District must still assess the child annually with the state-required WIDA ACCESS for ELs 2.0 test until the student attains English proficiency by meeting the state exit criteria and is reclassified non-EL status. Additionally, the District is still obligated to report the status of all ELs to the State annually.

    In order to opt a child out of all or some of ELD instruction and/or LIEP services, a Parental Waiver Form must be completed and submitted to the main office of the school the child attends.

    When an identified EL has been opted out of services, at any time, parent(s)/guardians can enroll their child in ELD instruction and/or LIEP services offered by the District. A Reinstatement Request Form must be completed and submitted to the main office of the school the child attends.