7-12 World Languages

  • The 7-12 World Languages program within the Southern Lehigh School District will seek to foster life-long intercultural competence. A learner-centered curriculum will prepare students to develop proficiency in various modes of communication, including presentational, interpretive and interpersonal. Students will learn how to interact in multilingual communities with cultural competence. A focus will be placed on creating an environment where students feel safe to take risks in order to promote active engagement and build self-confidence. Students will work collaboratively and be challenged to be flexible, open-minded language learners who reflect, learn, and grow from mistakes.

7-12 World Languages Philosophy

  • Mission Statement for 7-12 World Languages:
    To foster life-long intercultural competence through developing World Language proficiency.

    Guiding Principles for 7-12 World Languages:
    Students will...

    • be flexible, open-minded language learners.
    • reflect upon, learn, and grow from mistakes.
    • work collaboratively to share thoughts and ideas and to provide meaningful feedback.
    • select and use appropriate tools strategically in order to investigate, deepen, and reinforce understanding of the target language and culture. 
    • interact, interpret, and present effectively in a variety of contexts and purposes using the target language. 
    • demonstrate self-expression and spontaneous use of the target language to function in an authentic context.
    • apply strategies for requesting clarification and assistance in order to negotiate meaning in the target language. 
    • increase fluency, accuracy, and complexity of target language use over time.
    • investigate and reflect on cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the target language.
    • utilize and transfer pre-existing knowledge, skills, and strategies to new contexts within the target language, across languages, and in cross-curricular disciplines. 
    • understand and appreciate what is similar and different in other cultures.
    • look for, recognize, and use structure and patterns in order to understand the nature of languages.
    • find relevance for the target language in school, at home, and in the community.
    • develop confidence as life-long language learners for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

    Best Practices for 7-12 World Languages:
    Teachers will...

    • use research-based strategies to make target language input comprehensible (i.e. visuals, gestures, repetition, chunking, etc.).
    • work to lower students’ affective filter by encouraging participation and creating an environment where students feel safe to take risks.
    • provide opportunities for self-assessment and reflection.
    • offer opportunities for students to receive meaningful feedback from the teacher and peers.
    • model the use of the target language, while purposefully using English for directions, clarification, and reflection.
    • integrate formative assessment to inform instructional decisions.
    • provide opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency through performance.
    • promote active engagement and participation through a variety of learning activities.
    • integrate technology to enhance instruction and promote effective practices online.
    • create learner-centered classroom environments that provide student choice with the teacher as a facilitator.
    • foster a life-long appreciation of language learning through a variety of unique opportunities.

7-12 World Languages Planned Course Documents