
What is Induction?

  • Under the Pennsylvania Public School Code, school districts, intermediate units, charter schools, and area career and technical schools must have a Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved Educator Induction Program (EIP) for all incoming educators. Historically, this requirement was limited to a one-year EIP for new educators (i.e., Temporary Professional Employees) or out-of-state educators new to Pennsylvania schools.

    However, beginning SY2024-2025, the length of the EIP must be a minimum of two school years and applies to any incoming educator, new or veteran and regardless of Temporary Professional Employee (non-tenured) or Professional Employee (tenured) status. Note that, under the Pennsylvania Public School Code, any educator who works 45 or more school days is required to participate in the EIP.  

    During YEAR 1 of the Southern Lehigh SD EIP,

    During YEAR 2 of the Southern Lehigh SD EIP,


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How am I Evaluated?

  • ACT 13 of 2020 revised the Educator Effectiveness system established under ACT 82 of 2012, which outlines the evaluation framework of all temporary/ professional employees. The revised system creates two (2) separate frameworks - one for CLASSROOM TEACHING PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES (CTPE, professionals who provide direct instruction to students in the classroom environment) and NON-TEACHING PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES (NTPE, professionals who provide support services to students within and outside the classroom environment). Both frameworks are comprised of [a] an Observation and Practice component (CTPE: 70%, NTPE: 90%) and [b] a Building Level score (CTPE: 10%, NTPE: 10%). CTPEs have two additional components: [c] Teacher Specific student-growth data (PVAAS, CTPE: 10%) and [d] District-selected Measures, or measurable goals (CTPE: 10%)

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  • Southern Lehigh SD manages all professional employee evaluations digitally through a cloud-based application known as the Pennsylvania Electronic Teacher Evaluation Portal (PA-ETEP), which you can access by clicking HERE. Note that, as of July 2024, EduLink, the creators of PA-ETEP, have redesigned the application which includes a new user interface. All users, new or veteran, are encouraged to view a short (7:34) video, which they can access by clicking HERE, to help them navigate the new PA-ETEP interface.

    If you are a NEW USER, you will need to click on the Create Account link on the sign-in page. Although your account is already preloaded into the PA-ETEP system, you must initiate the account creation. (EduLink requires users to create a username/ password using their account to verify their membership to Southern Lehigh SD's PA-ETEP portal.) 

    If you are a RETURNING USER, you can access your account in one of two ways: [a] signing in via Google or [b] resetting your password. Your account is a Google account, so you can simply log in to PA-ETEP by clicking on the Continue with Google link. However, you can reset your password if you prefer not to link your Google ( with PA-ETEP; you can review instructions by clicking HERE.

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Continuing Education Information

  • ACT 48 of 1999 [Professional Staff]

  • ACT 45 of 2007 [Certificated Administrators]

  • Title 22, Chapter 14 [Paraprofessional Staff]

  • Extensions & Rollover Information