February 13, 2017
BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS MEETINGHopewell Elementary School CafeteriaFebruary 13, 20177:30 PM
A. Call to Order
B. Recording of Attendance by the Secretary
C. Pledge of Allegiance
Business by visitor(s) will be presented for Board consideration as to agenda placement.
Consent agenda items are marked with an asterisk throughout the regular agenda and summarized on a separate sheet.
A. Building Update
Hopewell Elementary School…………Ms. Lori Limpar
B. Summer Camps
The Administration recommends approval of the following camps for summer, 2017:
Liberty Trails, June 12-16; June 19-23 and June 26-29, 2017, for incoming grades 2 through 6
STEM, July 10-14, 2017, for incoming grades 4 and 5
STEM Robotics, June 26-30, 2017, for incoming grades 6 and 7 and June 19-23, 2017, for incoming grades 8 and 9
STEAM, July 17-21, 2017, for incoming grades 7 and 8
Art, July 24-28, 2017, for incoming grades 5 and 6
Makerspace, July 10-14, 2017, for incoming grades 7 and 8
Chinese Camp, July 10-14, for incoming grades 2 and 3
C. Kindergarten and Grade 1 Summer Camps
The Administration recommends approval of the following camps for Kindergarten and Grade 1 (needs based, invitation only), July 10-21, 2017:
Kindergarten Camp
1st Grade Camp
Full-Day Kindergarten Camp
D. Student Trip
The Administration recommends approval of the following student trip: (V, D)
Southern Lehigh High School Speech and Debate Team to participate in the Pennsylvania High School Speech League State Championships on March 16-18, 2017 at Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA.
E. Homebound Instruction
*The Administration recommends approval of homebound instruction for student #20117 and student #20217.
A. Accounts Payable
*The Administration recommends approval of the bills to be paid as of February 13, 2017. (VI, A)
B. Audit Report for School District for 2015-2016
The Administration recommends approval of the audit report for fiscal year 2015-2016 as prepared by the firm of France, Anderson, Basile and Company, P.C. (VI, B-1 Financial Statement) (VI, B-2 Audit Findings)
C. 2017-2018 Lehigh Career and Technical Institute Budget
The Administration recommends approval of the General Fund and Academic Center Budgets for Lehigh Career and Technical Institute for 2017-2018. (VI, C)
D. 2017-2018 Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 Proposed Budget
The Administration recommends approval of the proposed General Operating Budget for Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 for 2017-2018 (VI, D)
F. Revision to District’s TCC Delegates
The Administration recommends that the School Board approve the following action with regard to its delegates to the Lehigh Tax Collection Committee:
- Jeremy Melber remains as primary delegate
- Appoint Robert Kassel as alternate delegate
A. Lower Milford Elementary School Property Discussion
The Board will discuss options for use and possible sale of Lower Milford Elementary School property.
A. Certificated Staff
1. Childrearing Leave
*The Administration recommends approval of first period of childrearing leave of Rebecca Segovis, Teacher, Liberty Bell Elementary School, effective January 14, 2017 through the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
2. 2016-2017 Substitute Teachers
*The Administration recommends approval of the following substitute teachers for the 2016-2017 school year:
Jenelle Hallman Elementary K-6, Special Ed K-12
Jila Talebi Physics 7-12, Mathematics 7-12
Katherine Tankred Special Ed PK-8, Elementary PK-4
3. Student Teacher
*The Administration recommends approval of the following student teacher placement:
Christine Grasser, Elementary Education, Pennsylvania State University-Lehigh Valley, with Colleen Pizzo, Liberty Bell Elementary School, from February 7, 2017 to April 19, 2017 for pre-service internship (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) and August 29, 2017 to December 8, 2017 for student teaching.
B. Noncertificated Staff
1. Unpaid Leave
*The Administration recommends approval of unpaid leave of the following staff:
Rita Peay, Cafeteria Worker, Southern Lehigh Middle School, May 4 and 5, 2017
Kimberly Reybitz, Instructional Assistant, Hopewell Elementary School, March 7 and 8, 2017
Corry Robbins, Librarian, Southern Lehigh Middle School, April 11, 2017
Oksana Tittensor, Special Education Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh High School, March 6 through 10, 2017
2. Intermittent FMLA
*The Administration recommends approval of Intermittent FMLA leave of Caroline Houck, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh High School, for up to 12 weeks during the period of January 23, 2017 through January 22, 2018.
3. Appointments
*The Administration recommends approval of the following staff:
Ellen Deebel, Cafeteria Monitor, Hopewell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $10.63, effective February 14, 2017. Ms. Deebel will fill the position due to the resignation of Henry Lemmons.
Kristen Meixner, Custodian, an hourly rate of $20.80, effective February 14, 2017. Ms. Meixner will fill the position due to the resignation of George Mayer.
Raymond Reph, Custodian, an hourly rate of $20.80, effective February 14, 2017. Mr. Reph will fill the position due to the resignation of Greggory Padamonsky.
Lorraine Mohr, Cafeteria Worker, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $16.14, effective February 14, 2017. Ms. Mohr will fill the position due to the resignation of Deborah Vosburg.
4. Increased Hours
*The Administration recommends approval of the following increased hours of the following staff, effective February 14, 2017:
Rita Peay, Cafeteria Worker, Southern Lehigh Middle School, changing from 3 hours per day to 5.5 hours per day due the retirement of Deborah Scherzberg.
Joan Decker, Cafeteria Worker, Southern Lehigh High School, changing from 9.5 hours per week to 17.5 hours per week due to the retirement of Judy Heidecker.
Barbara Betz, Cafeteria Worker, Southern Lehigh High School, changing from 14.25 hours per week to 23.75 hours per week due to the reassignment of Joan Decker.
C. Extra-Curricular Activities
1. 2016-2017 Homework Club
*The Administration recommends approval of the following staff for the Homework Club, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, a rate of $44.53 per hour, for the 2016-2017 school year:
Cheryl Heurich
D. Athletics
1. 2016-2017 Volunteer Coaches
*The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteer coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
Eric Boyer Baseball
Michael Wagner Boys Volleyball
2. 2016-2017 Coaches
*The Administration recommends approval of the following coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
Harrison Lawrence Asst. Boys Lacrosse $940.75**
**Shared position and stipend
A. Committee Reports
A. Second and Final Reading of Revised Policies
The Administration recommends a second and final reading of the following revised policies:
#118 Programs: Independent Study
#216 Pupils: Education Records
#314 Administrative Employees: Physical Examination
#414 Professional Employees: Physical Examination
#514 Classified Employees: Physical Examination
#517 Classified Employees: Employee Conduct
A. Memorandum of Understanding
The Administration recommends that the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Southern Lehigh Education Association and the Southern Lehigh School District that is now in effect be modified as follows: (XI, A)
Part III, Number 8, Section A-
“Level 1: Library Science, Middle School Science, Middle School Social Studies and ESL.”
This position shall be compensated under the current Agreement as are all other Level 1 Subject Leaders. Currently, that stipend per Level 1 Subject Leader is $2,560 per year. It is intended that this position and compensation be added effective with the second semester of the 2016-2017 school year and continue through the duration of the Agreement.”
B. Wage and Benefit Policy Changes
The Administration recommends the revision of the Secretarial Employees Wage & Benefit Policy and the Technology Employees Wage & Benefit Policy as shown, effective February 1, 2017.
C. CLIU Representative Resignation
The Board will accept the resignation of Kathleen Parsons as the CLIU representative effective February 13, 2017.
D. CLIU Nomination
The Board will nominate Mrs. Emily Gehman as the CLIU representative due to the resignation of Kathleen Parsons. Ms. Gehman will fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Parsons effective February 14, 2017 through June 30, 2019.
E. LCTI JOC Resignation
The Board will accept the resignation of Dr. Jennifer Smith as the Lehigh Career & Technical Institute Joint Operating Committee representative effective February 13, 2017.
F. LCTI JOC Appointment
The Board will appoint Mrs. Kathleen Parsons as the Lehigh Career & Technical Institute Joint Operating Committee representative due to the resignation of Jennifer Smith. Mrs. Parsons will fill the unexpired term of Jennifer Smith, effective February 14, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
G. Notice of Change of Time and Regular School Board Meetings
The Board will vote on the proposed change to the format of meetings beginning March 13, 2017. The proposed format is as follows:
The first meeting of each respective month will be designated as the Committee of the Whole Meeting and will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the second meeting of each respective month is designated as the Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting and will begin at 7:00 p.m. except for July when no meetings will be held.
The primary purpose of the Committee of the Whole meeting is to review and discuss business that may be acted upon at the next or future regular meeting. The Board reserves the right, and hereby gives notice, however, that it may take formal action at the Committee of the Whole meetings on such matters as it deems necessary from time to time.
Meeting dates and locations through August 2017:
March 13, 2017 HS Library Committee of the Whole
March 27 2017 MS Auditorium Regular meeting
April 10, 2017 HS Library Committee of the Whole
April 24, 2017 LB Gymnasium Regular meeting
May 8, 2017 HS Library Committee of the Whole
May 22, 2017 JPLIS Gymnasium Regular meeting
June 12, 2017 HS Library Committee of the Whole
June 26, 2017 HS Library Regular meeting
August 14, 2017 HS Library Committee of the Whole
August 28, 2017 HS Library Regular meeting
Letters to the Board are included in the Board materials as they are received in the district.
A. Conference Request
The requests for professional conferences are listed in the Board materials by name, conference, location, dates of absence, and cost. (XIII, A)