A.Call to Order
B.Recording of Attendance by the Secretary
C.Pledge of Allegiance
Business by visitor(s) will be presented for Board consideration as to agenda placement.
Consent agenda items are marked with an asterisk throughout the regular agenda and summarized on a separate sheet.
A.Accounts Payable
*The Administration recommends approval of the bills to be paid as of September 26, 2016. (VI, A) VII.SUPPORT SERVICES
A.Allowance Adjustment-New Hopewell Elementary School Project
The Administration recommends approval of the following allowance adjustments for construction of the New Hopewell Elementary School project. These unanticipated costs were included in the contractor’s base contract and will not result in an increase or decrease of the contractor’s bid amounts: (VII, A) Lobar, Inc., - General Contractor –
•GC-018 - An adjustment for the addition of metal trim in gym dormers - $2,039.85
•GC-019 - An adjustment for an exit device in the mechanical room as required by code - $2,628.14
•GC-020 – An adjustment for compression stops to doors as requested by administration - $2,471.92
JBM Mechanical - Mechanical Contractor –
•MC007 – Addition of a shroud above the switchgear - $2,267.64
Albarell Electric, Inc. – Electrical Contractor –
•EC-006 – Alteration to Kitchen Electrical - $2,339.52
B.Change Order-New Hopewell Elementary School Project
The Administration recommends approval of credit change order for Environmental Abatement in the amount of $5,900.00 to Sargent Enterprises, Inc., 732 Center Street, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. The credit change order credits the contracts allowance back to the school district reducing the Contract from $86,988.00 to $81,088.00. (VII, B) VIII.PERSONNEL
A.Certificated Staff
*The Administration recommends approval of the following substitute teacher for the 2016-2017 school year:
Trisha Hawk, Elementary K-6
2.Rescind Appointment
*The Administration recommends rescinding the salaried appointment of Robert Pasternak, ESL LTS Teacher, Southern Lehigh Middle School. This appointment was approved at the September 12, 2016 board meeting.
B.Noncertificated Staff
*The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of Charlene Schiebel, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective September 23, 2016.
*The Administration recommends approval of the following staff:
Kimberly Heitzer, Special Education Instructional Assistant (29 hours per week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective September 27, 2016. Ms. Heizer will fill the position due to the resignation of Colleen Ritter.
3.Unpaid Leave
*The Administration recommends approval of unpaid leave of the following staff:
Adriana Muth, Instructional Assistant, Liberty Bell Elementary School, October 3; November 21, 22 and 23, 2016.
Alice Palmieri, Instructional Assistant, Liberty Bell Elementary School, October 24, 25 and 26, 2016.
Christina Jann, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh Middle School, October 31; November 1, 2016.
C.Extra-Compensatory Positions
1.2016-2017 Advisors
*The Administration recommends approval of the following advisors for the 2016-2017 school year:
Jessica SwartzHS Musical Choreographer$2000
Jesse MeadHS Play Stage Manager$750
Jesse MeadHS Musical Stage Manager$750
Larry FisherHS Band$8822
Matthew WehrHS Music Choral$4238
Larry FisherHS Orchestra$2382
Jeffrey LodaMS Band$3710
Jeffrey LodaMS Orchestra$1423
Alyssandra DochertyHS Play Lighting Designer$1150
2.2016-2017 PSAT
a. *The Administration recommends approval of the following PSAT Proctors for the 2016-2017 school year, an hourly rate of $40.09:
Robert Gaugler
Teresa Gledhill
Josephine Cacace
Amanda Mowrey
Stephanie Donald
Bonnie Organski
Christina Piascik
Maureen Elliott
Tamme Westbrooks
b. *The Administration recommends approval of the following PSAT Monitors for the 2016-2017 school year, an hourly rate of $17.12:
Teresa Gledhill
Josephine Cacase
Melody Davis
1.Coach Resignations
*The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of the following coaches:
Thomas Carlstrom, MS Assistant Boys Basketball, effective September 19, 2016
Kristen Regitz, HS Fall Assistant Cheerleading, effective September 13, 2016
Kristen Regitz, HS Winter Head Cheerleading, effective September 13, 2016
2.2016-2017 Coaches
*The Administration recommends approval of the following coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
Matthew GoldsmithHS Head Swim$7894
Paul SabinoMS Asst. Girls Basketball$2758
3.2016-2017 Event Managers
*The Administration recommends approval of the following event managers for the 2016-2017 school year:
Michael Feifel
Spencer Cameron
Dianna Riegel
Casey Cooperman
4.2016-2017 Event Worker
*The Administration recommends approval of the following event worker for the 2016-2017 school year:
Corrine Koziel
5. 2016-2017 Volunteers
*The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteers for the 2016-2017 school year:
Denise ScozzafvaMS Cross Country
A.Committee Reports
A.Southern Lehigh Education Association Collective Bargaining Agreement
Representatives of the Southern Lehigh Education Association and the Southern Lehigh School District Board of School Directors will approve and sign the newly ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2020. (XI, A) B.First Reading of Revised Policies
The Administration recommends a first reading of the following revised policies: (XI, B) #101Programs: Philosophy of Education
#103Programs: Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
#104Programs: Nondiscrimination in Employment and Contract Practices
#118Programs: Independent Study
#609Finances: Investment of District Funds
#707Property: Use of School Facilities
C.Rescission of Policy
The Administration recommends rescinding the following policy: (XI, C) #432Professional Employees: Meetings
D.Discussion of Policy
The Administration recommends the following policy for discussion: (XI, D) #004Local Board Procedures: Membership
E.2016-2017 Muhlenberg College Swimming Pool Agreement
The Administration recommends approval of the lease agreement with Muhlenberg College for use of the facility for practice and home swim meets for the Southern Lehigh High School Swim Team from October 4, 2016 through April 1, 2017. (XI, E) XII.COMMUNICATIONS
Letters to the Board are included in the Board materials as they are received in the district.
A.Conference Request
The requests for professional conferences are listed in the Board materials by name, conference, location, dates of absence, and cost. (XIII, A) XIV. VISITORS' COMMENTS