September 12, 2016


    High School Board Room

    September 12, 2016

    7:30 PM

    A.Call to Order
    B.Recording of Attendance by the Secretary
    C.Pledge of Allegiance
    Business by visitor(s) will be presented for Board consideration as to agenda placement.
    Consent agenda items are marked with an asterisk throughout the regular agenda and summarized on a separate sheet.
    A.Completion of School Year 
    The Administration recommends approval of the request for High School student #091601 to complete the 2016-2017 school year in accordance with provisions of Policy #202.
    A.Accounts Payable
    *The Administration recommends approval of the bills to be paid list as of September 12, 2016.  (VI, A)
    B.Treasurer’s Report & Investment Report
    *The Administration recommends approval of the Treasurer’s Report and Investment Report for the month of July 2016.  (VI, B)
    C.Debt Refinancing
    Mr. Jeremy Melber, Director of Business Services and Mr. Chris Gibbons from Concord Public Finance, will present results from the most recent debt refinancing.  (VI, C) (VI, C-Resolution)
    A.Substitute Custodial Service Agreement 
    The Administration recommends acceptance for a substitute custodial agreement with School Operation Services Group Inc., PO Box 713, Malvern, PA 19355.  The cost per substitute custodian will be $16.88 per hour.  Agreement period is through June 30, 2017 and may be renewed annually.  This service is to supplement the district’s current list of custodial substitutes that are limited to 29 hours per week.  (VII, A)
    A.Certificated Staff
    1.Act 93-Appointment
    The Administration recommends approval (pending receipt of required documentation) of Jackie (Jack) Hankee, Assistant Principal, Southern Lehigh Middle School, an annual salary (pro-rated) of $90,000, with an anticipated start date of September 13, 2016. Mr. Hankee will fill the position due to the resignation of Nathan Davidson.
    The Administration recommends approval of the following certificated staff for the 2016-17 school year (pending receipt of required documentation):  
    Robert Pasternak, ESL LTS Teacher, Southern Lehigh Middle School, a salary of $47,807, Bachelors, Step 14, with an effective date to be determined.  Mr. Pasternak will fill the position due to the anticipated child rearing leave of Jacqueline Meder.
    3.Increment Requests 
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following increment requests, effective September 1, 2016:
    Samantha Filler, Bachelors +15 to Masters 
    Katie Quartuch, Masters +30 to Masters +45
    John McDonald, Bachelors +15 to Masters 
    C.Non-Certificated Staff 
    *The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of the following staff:
    Lori Connelly, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective August 18, 2016. 
    Sara Kimble, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective August 18, 2016. 
    Irene Tyson, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective June 10, 2016. 
    Jessica Steirer, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective September 1, 2016.
    Colleen Ritter, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective September 15, 2016.
    Kathleen Knaack, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh Middle School, effective August 31, 2016.
    2.Unpaid Leave
    *The Administration recommends approval of unpaid leave of the following staff:
    Marissa Della Valle, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, October 10, 11, 2016.
    Stephanie Kauffman, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh Middle School, October 7, 2016.
    Judy Lynch, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, October 7, 2016.
    Laura Sunners, Instructional Assistant, Liberty Bell Elementary School, November 2, 3 and 4, 2016.
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following staff:
    Danielle Monroe, Long-Term Substitute Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours per day), Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $16.01, effective September 16, 2016.  Ms. Monroe will fill the position due to the student teaching requirement of Lindsay Horvath.
    Audrey Bartron, Licensed Practical Care Assistant, Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $20.91, effective September 13, 2016. 
    4.2016-2017 Substitute Staff 
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following substitutes for the 2016-2017 school year: 
    Troy Leonard, Substitute Custodian, an hourly rate of $15.07
    Maria Heitzer, Substitute Instructional Assistant, an hourly rate of $16.01
    Kathy Smith, Substitute Instructional Assistant, an hourly rate of $16.01
    *The Administration recommends approval to adjust the rate of pay of Stephanie Nichols from $16.34 per hour to $16.41 per hour, effective August 23, 2016.
    C.Extra-Compensatory Positions
    1.2016-2017 Extra-Curricular Advisors 
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following extra-curricular advisor for the 2016-2017 school year: 
    Marlo SpritzerBand Front $4372
    1.Coach Resignation
    *The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of Desi Gonzalez, Head Boys Lacrosse Coach, effective August 26, 2016.
    2.2016-2017 Coaches
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Joseph BreischHS Asst. Track & Field (Spring)$4738
    Brenton DitchcreekHS Asst.  Track & Field (Spring)$4738
    Erin LaneyHS Asst. Girls Basketball$5516
    Chelsea RivenbarkHS Asst. Track & Field (Spring)$2369**
    Frank RochonHS Asst. Track & Field (Spring)$2369**
    **Shared stipend and position
    Cotie StrongHS Head Track & Field (Spring)$7894
    Benjamin TannousHS Head Boys Basketball$8732.40**#
    Jeffrey HudsonHS Head Boys Basketball$459.60**
    **Shared position and stipend
    #Previously approved at full stipend on April 25, 2016
    Shawn SommonsMS Head Boys Basketball$4136
    Thomas CarlstromMS Asst. Boys Basketball$2758
    Cotie StrongHS Head Track & Field$3903.55**
    Frank RochonHS Head Track & Field (Winter)$205.45**
    **Shared stipend and position
    3.2016-2017 Volunteer Coaches
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteer coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Chelsea RivenbarkTrack & Field (Winter)
    Lori (Michelle) SchumakerTrack & Field (Winter & Spring)
    Enos MartinTrack & Field (Winter & Spring)
    Heather SmillieGirls’ Field Hockey
    Stephen Turpening      Girls Basketball
    Lee ZeisloftGirls Basketball
    Joshua GildeaBoys Soccer
    Jessica CurryCross Country
    4.2016-2017 Site Manager
    *The Administration recommends approval of Donald West, Sr., Site Manager an hourly rate of $43.44, for the 2016-2017 school year.
    5.2016-2017 Event Manager
    *The Administration recommends approval of Donald West, Jr., Event Manager for the 2016-2017 school year.
    6.2016-2017 Bus Monitor
    *The Administration recommends approval of Jeffrey Hudson, Bus Monitor, an hourly rate of $15.69, for the 2016-2017 school year. 
    7.2016-2017 Band Front Volunteer
    *The Administration recommends approval of Devon Wolfe, Band Front Volunteer for the 2016-2017 school year. 
    A.Committee Reports 
    B.Superintendent’s Report………Dr. Leah M. Christman
    The Board will hire Kathleen T. Evison as Consultant for a term beginning on September 27, 2016 through October 21, 2016, at an annual salary of $140,000 (pro-rated). (XI, A)
    B.     Superintendent-Appointment
    The Board will appoint Kathleen T. Evison as Superintendent of the Southern Lehigh School District, for a term beginning on October 22, 2016 and ending June 30, 2020, at a starting annual salary of $140,000 (pro-rated for the period October 22, 2016 through June 30, 2017), and subject to annual increases based upon performance beginning on July 1, 2017.  Mrs. Evison will fill the position due to the retirement of Dr. Leah M. Christman.  (XI, B)
    Letters to the Board are included in the Board materials as they are received in the district.
    A.Conference Request
    The requests for professional conferences are listed in the Board materials by name, conference, location, date of absence, and cost.  (XIII, A)
    B.Curriculum Writing 
    The curriculum writing agreements are listed in the Board materials by name, elected compensation, amount and anticipated date of completion.  (XIII, B)