August 22, 2016
BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS MEETINGHigh School Board RoomAugust 22, 20167:30 PM
A. Call to Order
B. Recording of Attendance by the Secretary
C. Pledge of Allegiance
Business by visitor(s) will be presented for Board consideration as to agenda placement.
Consent agenda items are marked with an asterisk throughout the regular agenda and summarized on a separate sheet.
A. Welcome 2016-2017 Chinese Language Teachers
Welcome and introduction of Na Ni and Wen Dong, Chinese Scholar BCIU Teachers.
B. Elementary (K-3) Handbook
The Administration recommends approval of the Elementary Parent/Student Handbook for the 2016-2017 school year. (V, B)
C. Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School Handbook
The Administration recommends approval of the Intermediate School Parent/Student Handbook for the 2016-2017 school year. (V, C)
D. Middle School Handbook
The Administration recommends approval of the Middle School Parent/Student Handbook for the 2016-2017 school year. (V, D)
E. High School Handbook
The Administration recommends approval of the High School Handbook for the 2016-2017 school year. (V, E)
F. 2016-2017 CLIU Title III Consortium MOU
The Administration recommends approval of the CLIU Title III Consortium Memorandum of Understanding for the 2016-2017 school year. (V, F)
G. Chapter 339 Plan
The Administration recommends approval of the Chapter 339 Plan. This plan is for the development and implementation of a comprehensive, sequential program of guidance services for kindergarten through grade 12. (V, G)
A. Accounts Payable
*The Administration recommends approval of the bills to be paid list as of August 22, 2016. (VI, A)
B. Treasurer’s Report & Investment Report
*The Administration recommends approval of the Treasurer’s Report and Investment Report for the month of June 2016. (VI, B)
A. Certificated Staff
1. Appointments
The Administration recommends approval of the following certificated staff for the 2016-17 school year (pending receipt of required documentation):
Andrea Quintana, Special Education Teacher, Southern Lehigh High School, a salary of $60,246, Masters, Step 11, effective August 22, 2016. Ms. Quintana will fill the position due to the transfer of Teresa Ware.
Megan Valley, Kindergarten Teacher, Liberty Bell Elementary School, a salary $47,708, Bachelors, Step 14, effective August 22, 2016. Ms. Valley will fill the position due to the retirement of Carol Horvath.
2. 2016-2017 Substitute Teacher List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of substitute teachers for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-2)
3. Student Teacher
*The Administration recommends approval of the following student teacher placement:
Taylor Berkley, Social Studies, East Stroudsburg University, with Anita Benedix, Southern Lehigh Middle School, from August 30, 2016 to October 14, 2016.
4. Increment Requests
*The Administration recommends approval of the following increment requests, effective September 1, 2016:
Jaquelyn Butler, Masters to Masters +15
Nicole Castetter, Bachelors to Masters
Brenton Ditchcreek, Masters +30 to Masters +45
Larry Fisher, Bachelors +15 to Bachelors +30
Angela Fulmer, Bachelors +30 to Masters
Gayla Gilley, Bachelors to Masters Equivalency
Anthony Italiani, Masters to Masters +30
Dana Kleppinger, Masters to Masters +15
Rose Touma, Bachelors +30 to Masters
Lindsay McDonnell, Bachelors to Bachelors +15
C. Non-Certificated Staff
1. Resignation
*The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of the following staff:
Karen Blum, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective June 10, 2016
Katie Miller, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh High School, effective August 16, 2016
George Mitakos, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective June 10, 2016
Rose Poskay, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh Middle School, effective August 18, 2016
2. Increased Hours
*The Administration recommends approval of increased hours of Lisa Allison, Instructional Assistant, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, from 15 hours per week to 29 hours per week, effective August 23, 2016. Ms. Allison will fill the position due to the resignation of Karen Blum.
3. Appointments
*The Administration recommends approval of the following staff (pending receipt of required documentation):
Jennifer Clemente, RTII Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours/day), Hopewell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 22, 2016. This is a new position.
Laura Gorman, Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours/day), Liberty Bell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. This is a new position.
Josephine Cacace, Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours/day), Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. This is a new position.
Lucianne Gavin, Title I Instructional Assistant (28.75 hours/week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 29, 2016.
Kim Reybitz, RTII Instructional Assistant (4 hours per day) Hopewell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. This is a new position.
Jennifer Ricci, MTSS/RTII Instructional Assistant (15 hours per week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 29, 2016. Ms. Ricci will fill the position due to the change in hours of Lisa Allison.
Stacy Ross, Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours per day), Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. Ms. Ross will fill the position due to the transfer of Christina Jann.
Charlene Schiebel, MTSS/RTII Instructional Assistant (22 hours per week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 29, 2016. Ms. Schiebel will fill the position due to the resignation of Irene Tyson.
Maureen Urmy, Instructional Assistant, Liberty Bell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. This is a new position.
Catherine Van’t Hof-Felsburg, Instructional Assistant (29 hours per week), Southern Lehigh Middle School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 24, 2016. Ms. Van’t Hof-Felsburg will fill the position due to transfer of Christina Jann.
Jennifer Meany, Instructional Assistant (29 hours per week), Southern Lehigh Middle School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 24, 2016. Ms. Meany will fill the position due to the transfer of Theresa Gledhill and resignation of Christina Pulcini.
Kathleen Knaack, 1:1 Instructional Assistant (29 hours per week), Southern Lehigh Middle School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016.
Amber Neetz, Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours per day), Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. Ms. Neetz will fill the position due to the resignation of Katie Miller.
Caroline Houck, 1:1 Instructional Assistant (5.75 hours per day), Southern Lehigh High School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 23, 2016. This is due to the resignation of Veronica DeBlois.
Jennifer Perez, Instructional Assistant (29 hours per week), Southern Lehigh Middle School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 24, 2015. Ms. Perez will fill the position due to the resignation of Rose Poskay.
Rachel DeSimone, MTSS/RTII Instructional Assistant (22 hours per week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 29, 2016. Mrs. DeSimone will fill the position due to the resignation of Sara Kimble.
Lee-Ann Graham, MTSS/RTII Instructional Assistant (15 hours per week), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.26, effective August 29, 2016. Mrs. Graham will fill the position due to the resignation of Lori Connelly.
4. 2016-2017 Substitute Staff
*The Administration recommends approval of the following substitute for the 2016-2017 school year:
Dianne Trevis, Substitute Instructional Assistant, an hourly rate of $16.01
5. 2016-2017 Substitute Instructional Assistant List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Instructional Assistants for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-5)
6. 2016-2017 Substitute Secretary List
The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Secretaries for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-6)
7. 2016-2017 Substitute Cafeteria Monitor List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Cafeteria Montitors for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-7)
8. 2016-2017 Substitute Cafeteria Worker List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Cafeteria Workers for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-8)
9. 2016-2017 Substitute Nurse List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Nurses for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-9)
10. 2016-2017 Substitute Health Paraprofessional List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Health Paraprofessionals for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-10)
11. 2016-2017 Substitute Custodian List
*The Administration recommends approval of the attached list of Substitute Custodians for the 2016-17 school year. (VIII, A-11)
C. Extra-Compensatory Positions
1. 2016-2017 Mentors
*The Administration recommends approval of the following mentors for the 2016-2017 school year:
Theresa Ware, mentor for Tracy Buttillo, Long-term Special Education Teacher, a stipend of $700
Lorraine Frasch, mentor for Katherine Mills, Language Arts Teacher, a stipend of $700
Melissa Greenawald, mentor for Megan Valley, Kindergarten Teacher, a stipend of $700
Caryn Bronfenbrenner, mentor for Andrea Quintana, Special Education Teacher, a stipend of $700
2. 2016-2017 Subject Area Leader
*The Administration recommends approval of the following subject area leader for the 2016-2017 school year:
Jacqueline Butler MS Special Education $2389
D. Athletics
1. Stipend Change
*The Administration recommends changing the stipend of the following coaches:
Robert Butterbaugh, Assistant MS Football Coach from $3244 (as approved at the August 8, 2016 board meeting) to $811.
Cotie Strong, Head HS Track (Winter) from $4109 (as approved at the April 25, 2016 board meeting) to $3903.55.
2. 2016-2017 Coaches
*The Administration recommends approval of the following coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
Kristen Regitz HS Asst. Cheerleading (Fall) $1335
Kristen Regitz HS Head Cheerleading (Winter) $1113.50**
**50%/50% shared stipend and position
Matthew Gorkos HS Head Wrestling$9192
Steven Siderias Jr. High Wrestling$5056
Frank Rochon Head HS Track (Winter) $205.45**
**5%/95% shared stipend and position
3. 2016-2017 Volunteer Coaches
*The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteer coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
Lauren Garges Cross Country
Michael Wagner Girls Volleyball
Joseph Randy Newman Boys Soccer
Rodney Koch Boys Soccer
Cindy Ashworth Girls Tennis
Justine Novak Girls Soccer
4. 2016-2017 Site Managers
*The Administration recommends approval of the following Site Managers, an hourly rate of $43.44, for the 2016-2017 school year:
Michael Feifel
Spencer Cameron
Dianna Riegel
Casey Cooperman
A. Committee Reports
B. Superintendent’s Report………Dr. Leah M. Christman
A. Second and Final Reading of Revised Policies
The Administration recommends a second and final reading of the following revised policies: (X, A)
#424 Professional Employees: Personnel Files
#524 Classified Employees: Personnel Files
A. Competition Cheerleading Booster Club Bylaws
The Administration recommends approval of the Southern Lehigh Competition Cheerleading Booster Club Bylaws. (XI, A)
B. Middle School Cross Country Booster Club Bylaws
The Administration recommends approval of the Southern Lehigh Middle School Cross Country Booster Club Bylaws. (XI, B)
Letters to the Board are included in the Board materials as they are received in the district.