November 14, 2016


    High School Board Room

    November 14, 2016

    7:30 PM

    A.Call to Order
    B.Recording of Attendance by the Secretary
    C.Pledge of Allegiance

    Business by visitor(s) will be presented for Board consideration as to agenda placement.

    Consent agenda items are marked with an asterisk throughout the regular agenda and summarized on a separate sheet.

    A.Student Trips
    The Administration recommends approval of the following student trip requests:
    1.Future Business Leaders of America students and advisors to attend the FBLA State Leadership Conference, Hershey, PA, April 2 through April 5, 2017.
    2.Southern Lehigh High School Cross Country Team to attend the 2016 PIAA Cross Country Championship, Hershey, PA, November 4 and 5, 2016.
    3.Southern Lehigh High School Speech and Debate Team to attend the Princeton Invitational Tournament, Princeton, NJ, December 2 through December 4, 2016.
    B.Homebound Instruction
    *The Administration recommends approval of homebound instruction for student #101602.

    A.Accounts Payable
    *The Administration recommends approval of the bills to be paid as of November 14, 2016. (VI, A)
    B.LCTI Refinancing
    In accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute, the Administration recommends that the Southern Lehigh School district approve LCTI’s financing plan in the amount of $49,000,000 for the purposes set forth in the Resolution presented this evening.  (VI, B)

    A.Allowance Adjustments
    The Administration recommends approval of the following allowance adjustments for construction of the New Hopewell Elementary School project.  These unanticipated costs were included in the contractor’s base contract and will not result in an increase or decrease of the contractor’s bid amounts:  (VII, A)
    (Reported at the September 26, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting.)
    Lobar, Inc., - General Contractor –
    •  GC-021 – Overtime terrazzo sub-contractor - $4,076.59
    •  GC-022 – Light fixture enclosure in the music room - $2,628.14
    •  GC-023 – Temporary walkway for teachers - $1,067.08
    •  GC-024 – Stainless steel jambs for dishwasher opening - $909.23
    •  GC-026 – Addition of silt sock to open infiltration - $1,444.79
    •  GC-039 – Alter curb for school bus movement - $5,000.00 
    Albarell Electric, Inc. – Electrical Contractor –
    •   EC-011 – Add speaker in nurse suite - $1,176.00 
    (Reported at the October 7, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting.)
    Lobar, Inc., - General Contractor –
    •   Increase mailbox size to accommodate full pages - $9,326.00
    •   Add risers and regrade to address standing water - $6,364.05

    B.Preston Lane Roundabout Proposal
    The Administration recommends approval to accept Upper Saucon Township’s offer to install a roundabout on Preston Lane with the intent of improving traffic flow and connectivity between the community, high school and middle school.  An agreement addressing dedication of land from the District to the Township for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the roadway and infiltration basins will be brought to the Board for approval.  Total costs to the District could be approximately $30,000 if the District prefers storm water pipes to a swale and $100,000 if a subsurface infiltration basin is preferred to a rain garden on middle school property.  (VII, B)

    C.Hopewell Playground Reinstallation
    The Administration recommends reinstallation of the existing Hopewell Playground, along with the purchase and installation of new equipment for a total budget not to exceed $70,000.  The Hopewell PTA will provide $13,000 toward the project with the remainder coming from Hopewell Construction Allowance Adjustment funds.  Administration will work with the PTA to develop a final plan for installation. 
    D.Batting Cage Installation 
    The Administration recommends the installation of a batting cage in the high school gymnasium at a cost of $33,497.10 from Miller Flooring Company, 827 Lincoln Avenue, West Chester, PA 18380.  The purchase will be under the AEPA/KPN cooperative contract IFB#012-B.

    A.Certificated Staff
    1.2016-2017 Substitute Staff
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following substitute teachers for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Robert GrossetEmergency 06 (PK-12)
    Amy KimballInstruc. Reading Spec, Pk-12, Instruc. II Elem K-6
    Angie LandeEmergency 06 (PK-12)
    Russell LandeEmergency 06 (PK-12)
    Maureen SangiorgioEmergency 06 (PK-12)
    Justine NovakPhysical Education 5-12
    2.Long-Term Substitute
    The Administration recommends approval of the following certificated staff:
    Laura Gorman, Long-term Substitute Elementary Teacher, Liberty Bell Elementary School, at Bachelors, Step 1, a salary of $48,805 (pro-rated), effective November 14, 2016 through the end of the 2016-2017 school year.  Ms. Gorman will fill the position during the anticipated child rearing leave of Rebecca Segovis.
    B.Noncertificated Staff
    The Administration recommends accepting the retirement of Arlin Yons, Head Custodian, Southern Lehigh Middle School, effective the end of business day January 3, 2017.  Mr. Yons has been a district employee for 17 years.
    The Administration recommends termination by consent of Employee #22991, effective end of business day December 2, 2016.
    3.Unpaid Leave
    *The Administration recommends approval of unpaid leave of the following staff: 
    Judith Miller, Licensed Health Room Nurse, Hopewell Elementary School and Southern Lehigh Middle School, February 15, 16 and 17, 2017.
    Laura DeMars, Instructional Assistant, Southern Lehigh High School, December 21 and 22, 2016. 
    Karen Himmelsbach, Cafeteria Worker, Southern Lehigh High School, November 28, 30; December 1, 2 and 5, 2016.
    Kelly Katzbeck, Tech Facilitator, Hopewell Elementary School, November 29 and 30, 2016.
    *The Administration recommends accepting the resignation of the following staff: 
    Daniel Drabick, Temporary Custodian, District, effective end of business day, October 31, 2016.
    Deborah Vosburg, Cafeteria Worker, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective end of business day, November 4, 2016.
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following staff:
    Megan Farino, Instructional Assistant (29 hours), Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, an hourly rate of $18.76, effective November 15, 2016.  Ms. Farino will fill the position due to the resignation of Melissa Salamon.
    Jessica Makowski, Instructional Assistant (ESL), 4.75 hours per day, Liberty Bell Elementary School, an hourly rate of $18.76.  Ms. Makowski will fill this new position due to increasing population of ESL students.
    6.2016-2017 Substitutes
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following substitute staff for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Stacie Herceg, Substitute Instructional Assistant, an hourly rate of $16.45
    Ellen Deebel, Substitute Cafeteria Monitor, an hourly rate of $10.63
    Kyle Gangewere, Substitute Cafeteria Monitor, an hourly rate of $10.63
    Deborah Vosburg, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, an hourly rate of $9.93
    7.Unpaid Externship
    *The Administration recommends approval of the 90 hour unpaid externship of Wes Hurley, Lincoln Technical Institute student, effective November 4, 2016. Mr. Hurley will be under the supervision of Mr. Erik Malmberg, Coordinator of Network and Information Services.
    8.Intermittent FMLA 
    *The Administration recommends approval of Intermittent FMLA leave of Karen Rabenold, Health Paraprofessional, Joseph P. Liberati Intermediate School, effective November 15, 2016 through November 14, 2017.
    1.2016-2017 Volunteer Coaches
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteer coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Jessica CurryWinter Track & Field
    Jessica CurrySpring Track & Field
    2.2016-2017 Coaches
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following coaches for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Josephine CacaceMS Winter Cheerleading$1335
    Michael FayJr. High Girls Basketball$5056
    Justin KocisMS Asst. Boys Basketball$2758
    Justin KocisMS Head Track & Field$2823
    Samantha MiaraAsst. Swimming$1895.20**
    **Shared position and stipend w/Brendon Mazepa.
    3.2016-2017 Event Worker
    *The Administration recommends approval of the following event worker for the 2016-2017 school year:
    Monika Klar

    A.  Committee Reports 
    The minutes of the Lehigh Carbon Community College Board of Directors meeting of October 6, 2016 Board of Trustees meeting and President’s Newsletter are attached.
    B.Superintendent’s Report…………Mrs. Kathleen T. Evison

    A.Second and Final Reading of Revised Policies
    The Administration recommends a second and final reading of the following revised policies: (X, A)
    #019Grievance Procedure for Federal or State Laws
    #336Administrative Employees:  Unpaid Leave
    #436Professional Employees:  Unpaid Leave
    #536Classified Employees:  Unpaid Leave
    #717Property:  Cell Phones
    #814Operations:  Copyright Material
    #820Operations:  Automated External Defibrillator
    A.2016-2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement Salary Grid
    The Administration recommends approval of the 2016-2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement Salary Grid.  (XI, A)
    B.First Reading of New Policy
    The Administration recommends a first reading of the following new policy:  (XI, B)
    #004Local Board Procedures:  Membership

    Letters to the Board are included in the Board materials as they are received in the district.

    A.Conference Request
    The requests for professional conferences are listed in the Board materials by name, conference, location, dates of absence, and cost.  (XIII, A)